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As a little girl I was conscious of wanting to please God but I didn't know how to do it.

I went to a young people's meeting at a church

That night I prayed to God and asked Him to come into my life.

Now nearly fifty years on God is still with me and I am with Him.


When I was sixteen I started to attend the youth club at a church at the top of my road where I lived in Birkenhead. At one meeting I was asked us that if we were to die tonight where would we go to – Heaven or Hell. Even though there were lots of people in the meeting, I felt that I was the only person there.


I can still remember the terrible loneliness that I felt left as an only child.  However I had a very close friend who I could always talk to and say just how I felt. His name was Jesus....


Hi my name is Bill, I first came to Dovecot Church in 1964 however, I walked away from these things in my teenage years and stopped going to church.

Later I came to feel the truth and force of all that I had heard in my early years back at Dovecot Sunday School. I felt that God was calling me back to Himself.....


I grew up in a Christian home. My earliest memory of realising that I was a sinner and that it was Jesus’ work on the cross that saved me from the wages of my sins was when I was in church and I heard the lyrics “I’ll never know how much it costs to see my sins up on that cross”. It was in that moment that the gospel resonated with me.

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