Introduction: For many Christians the Bible is a bewildering book of prophets, kingdoms and kings, historical narrative and miraculous happenings. When we look inside we find in addition poems, songs, letters and proverbs. How does it fit together? Where is the story going? Too few Christians have a grasp of the ‘Big Picture’ and Bible timeline. This series is an attempt to give an overview of the Bible, its main themes, all the time focusing on its central message: the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1. God’s wonderful Word: origin, authority and clarity.
Application: read it Reading: Psalm 19
2. Creation: Genesis 1-2 God, Man, Sabbath, Marriage: Application: believe it Reading: Gen 1
3. Curse: Genesis 2-3: Sin Death and Gospel promise: Application: sin: leave it Reading: Gen 3
4. Catastrophe: Genesis 6-7: judgement, mercy. Application: RU in the Ark:
Application: enter it Reading: Gen 6
5. Calling: Gen 11-12 God’s call to Abraham.
Application: follow it Reading: Gen 11
6. Covenant: the Ten Commandments
Application: Obey Him Reading: Exodus 20
7. Christ in the Old Testament: our prophet, priest and king:
Application: serve Him Reading: 2 Samuel 7
8. Christ in the New Testament: our saviour, sin bearer and sovereign:
Application: love Him Reading: Matthew 2
9. Church: God’s people on earth, God’s dwelling place and Christ’s bride
Application: join it Reading: Luke 1:26-38
10. Consummation: Revelation as the culmination in the new heavens and new earth, and restoration of all that Man lost in Eden, the marriage of the Lamb and the final exit of sin and death.
Application: Enjoy it Reading: Revelation 22